
"A must see"
Susan Elkin
Broken Spine
Big Issue North
Whether you're new to outdoor theatre, or if you're an expert Illyrian, check out the advice below to make the most of your experience this summer.
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On the day

What if it rains?

Do I need a chair?

Where can I sit?

Can I bring my dog?

When should I arrive?

Can I bring a picnic?

What should I wear?

Can I take photographs?

How long is the show?

How do I book tickets?

What is Ticketsource?

Can I transfer or refund tickets?

Who should I contact, Illyria or the venue?

Are shows suitable for children?
We publish recommendations on the 'shows' page of our website but, in general, we believe our shows are suitable for a wide audience. Parents and carers might prefer to bring children to our Family-friendly shows, which are designed with children ages 5+ in mind. But there's nothing to stop you bringing younger audience members or attending our other titles. None of our performances include explicit swearing or nudity. Of course, Shakespeare and authors of other classics often include romance, combat, innuendo or complex themes in their stories. So we encourage you to familiarise yourself with each story, consider the individual tastes of your child(ren), and make a decision that feels right to you. You are always welcome to get in touch to find out more.